Slot Entry Birdhouse

Fall means a lot of different things to different people. To me, it is the last time to get out in the yard and stretch my legs before Winter rears its ugly head. What better way to enjoy fall than to begin the process of getting things ready for the Spring.


A couple of years ago we bought this house and we have slowly been turning it into our home. What reminds me of home were all of the song birds that used to fly around my parents yard. Growing up we had a ton of trees so there was no shortage of shelter for the birds to take. At our current house there are just a few trees, so encouraging birds to come to our yard is a little trickier.

To fix this, I have decided to make a birdhouse. Just one for now, but it’s style is a little different than the ones that you might have seen. I am making what is known as a “slot entry birdhouse.” Other than the looks of it, the main difference is that it is reported to encourage a specific type of bird (the bluebird) and discourage other types such as common sparrows. Here in East Texas, bluebirds are a common local bird, and my favorite to watch. So, needless to say, I wanted to encourage them to come around more. This design is intended to better help the bluebird defend its nest from common sparrows.

Watch my YouTube video on how I made the birdhouse here:

You can find quite a bit of information on exactly where to locate your bluebird box here. The overarching point is that they like it about 4-6 feet from the ground and facing towards the east. If you are interested in building your own, click here to download a free set of plans!