January 2019 Shop Update

A homeowners work is never done. I never in my wildest dreams thought about how endless projects on a house would become. As a college kid renting an apartment, I dreamt of the day that I could do whatever I wanted in my space including putting nails in the wall to hang artwork.

Here I am officially owning a home and I can tell you hanging things on the walls is the least of our problems. In fact, I don’t think we have one thing hung in our bedroom. That doesn’t mean there has been a lack of projects though.

If you are like me, it is hard to get work done with distractions everywhere. I am inherently a messy person when I work, but to actually get started on something new, I have to do a bit of a reset. I have to put everything away or I probably won’t get started on a new project. That is one of the biggest reasons I am tackling this garage conversion.

Every time I start or end a project there is a massive amount of work that has to be done. I have a garage/carport that has three walls and no garage door. In fact, the size of the garage door opening is a custom size that means big money for a garage door. So that is out of the question. I have to close the garage if I want to have a place for my tools to live without getting rained on.

So I must build a wall… you know, to protect the ones I love… :)

See more here:

See ya next time!


Austin Melton